My Story: Julie and Mark Simpson

A Passion for the Work

According to Senior Directors Julie and Mark Simpson of Wichita, Kansas, the key to achieving success with Reliv is to remember that it is much more than a business. “When I realized that my work with Reliv wasn’t about me, but was instead about making a difference in other people’s lives, my business just took off from there,” says Julie.

It took Julie only one conference to learn what Reliv was all about. “I was looking for a way to impact people’s lives,” she says. “When I heard so many incredible stories and saw the integrity of the company firsthand, I knew this was what God was calling me to do.”

Since that first conference, she has attended several more and believes they are critical to success. “Conferences help you remember why you’re sharing Reliv — to help people,” she says. “Without that focus, you can falter and lose your passion for the work.”

In May 2006, the Simpsons finished third in the nation and made $6,300 — earnings they used to help charities very important to them. They and their four sons are now able to pursue other dreams as well. “We have more freedom and security now,” Julie says. “Reliv has opened up brand new possibilities for the future.”

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