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The Soy Solution for Better Womens Health

Help for Hot Flashes

For years, studies have demonstrated the connection between soy and the easing of menopause symptoms, particularly hot flashes. But a recent analysis of 19 studies provides an even clearer picture of just what soy isoflavones can do.
Researchers from the University of Delaware found that soy isoflavones are linked to a 20% decrease in frequency and 26% decrease in severity of hot flashes. The study included 1,200 women and was recently published in Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Association.

 Women’s Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women, killing more than a third of them. Heart attacks kill 200,000 women each year — five times more than breast cancer. Despite these staggering statistics, women are less likely than men to receive appropriate treatment after a heart attack and only make up 27% of participants in all heart-related research studies.

One of the most important steps women can take to improve their heart health is increasing their soy intake. A naturally occurring soy peptide called lunasin can help improve cholesterol where it is produced, within the liver. Reliv’s exclusive LunaRichTM soy powder — found in SoySentials® — contains five to ten times the amount of bioactive lunasin found in ordinary soy powders.

Learn the science of LunaRich soy powder.

 Optimal Cellular Health

The lunasin peptide found in LunaRich soy powder is a natural bioactive agent that has been clinically and scientifically proven to:

 Nourish– provides the nutritional fuel to promote optimal expression of genes required for normal cell function.

 Protect– reduces inflammation and cell damage caused by free radicals and other environmental hazards. Provides protection in two ways:
A. Prevention. Activates the expression of genes that help reduce cell damage and prevents the expression of genes that can cause cell damage.
B. Maintenance. Helps remove damaged cells from the body that may cause chronic health problems.

 Note from Dr. Carl

Reliv’s SoySentials offers women 20 mg of hormone-healthy isoflavones — and so much more.

Nutrition scientists continue to discover the multitude of benefits soy can provide for overall health. Reliv continues to develop cutting-edge formulas to bring you the latest scientific developments in nutrition. LunaRich soy powder makes SoySentials better than ever. You won’t find a more complete women’s health supplement.

Learn more about SoySentials.

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