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Practical, Proven Ways to Lose Weight

In today’s marketplace, hundreds of weight loss gimmicks and deprivation diets clamor for your attention promising lightning-fast weight loss. Unfortunately, most of these are unhealthy — even dangerous — options that may cause you to lose a few pounds quickly, but result in even faster boomerang weight gain once you go back to normal living.
So what’s the secret to healthy, safe and lasting weight loss? Some factors are universally consistent and proven to work. The steps below may not be celebrity-endorsed or trendy, but they’re honest, tried-and-true ways that help you lose weight and keep it off. And you don’t need special equipment, exotic ingredients or a personal chef or trainer. Just set a goal and load up on common sense, a little determination and a lot of excitement and you’ll be well on your way to looser fitting jeans!

1. Cut calories — duh.
Yes, we’ve all heard this a million times. It seems like a no-brainer, yet we often underestimate how many calories we take in each day. Here’s how to take control of calories:

2. Move. More. Frequently.
Again, no earth-shaking new strategy here. Your body is designed to move. But how long, how often and what type of exercise is most effective?

3. Seek support.
In a study of more than 800 people on various diets, all participants lost weight by cutting calories. But participants who also regularly attended counseling sessions lost more than twice as much weight than those who didn’t attend counseling sessions. The take-home message: Peer support is essential for ongoing motivation and accountability. So find a weight-loss buddy who will cheer you on and go through the journey with you.


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