Reliv Earns ‘Top Honors’ With High Schooler

clip_image001 Rich Nolin and his wife, Tina, of Hudson, Massachusetts, were thrilled with their Relìv results. Rich experienced relief for acid reflux and Tina had positive results with SoySentials® dietary supplement for women. But the story they enjoy telling most has a different main character: their son, Zackery.

As a freshman in high school, Zack had been having problems in school since the fourth grade. Study was difficult — focus was never easy.

“Zack agreed to take Relìv for the summer and had great results!” Rich says. “By the end of the summer, we noticed he was able to stay focused and ‘on task’ much better. We didn’t have to stand over him and coach him on the next step in his chores. What a relief to have him behaving autonomously!”

When Zack went back to school in September, one teacher commented, “He’s a brand new kid! Whatever you’re doing, keep it up!” The entire family was sold.

“When report cards came out, Zack had brought his grades up a full letter grade across the board!” Rich says. “Relìv has earned its place in our home.”


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