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Meet Our Ambassadors: Sharon and Joseph Toth

TothA business on the move.

Four years ago, Sharon and Joseph Toth of Oregon, Ohio were making a lifestyle adjustment. They had recently retired early from full-time employment and were learning to get by with less. “We retired so that we could have more freedom and spend half the year in Florida,” Sharon says. “We figured it would take a little sacrifice.”

Around the same time, Sharon became very sick with severe acid reflux disease. When nothing else seemed to help, a friend introduced her to Reliv. Sharon’s health soon improved and the Toths became Master Affiliates six weeks later.

“I am a believer in direct sales,” Sharon says. “I had done it before with other companies, but never with such remarkable products or with such a great compensation plan. We knew this was a great opportunity.”

Although they had been introducing family and friends to Reliv for more than three years, it wasn’t until they came back from Florida in May 2005 that they rededicated themselves to their business. With renewed focus, things took off. “We all make mistakes when we start out,” Sharon says. “But if you stick to the Reliv System, it works.”

No Reliv Ambassadors, the Toths are now able to maintain the same lifestyle they enjoyed when they both worked full time—but with a lot more free time and travel! Their Reliv business also allows them to split time between Ohio and Florida and continue working. “We wanted a business we could run wherever we were,” Sharon explains. “Reliv is a portable business.”

And those aren’t the only benefits. “Reliv has opened up a whole new world of relationships,” she says. “They say you make your ‘friends for life’ when you’re young. But helping people to improve their lives has allowed us to connect to so many people on such a deep level that I now consider them to be our friends for life.”

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