Meet Our Ambassadors: Paul and Mary Cozzens

Cozzens2Sharing hope, changing lives.

Presidential Silver Ambassadors Paul and Mary Cozzens of Cedar City, Utah, began their Reliv journey in February 2004. Looking for a way to help their son with his health issues, they heeded their neighbor’s advice to give Reliv a try. “Our son had such wonderful results,” Mary says. “We felt that he was given his future back.”

Paul and Mary became Master Affiliates and started their whole family on the products. “We entered strictly for health reasons,” Paul says. “But we were soon drawn to the wonderful business opportunity.”

From Reluctance to Commitment
Already operating a successful cabinet business, Paul and Mary felt they had no room for anything else. The health results they were experiencing, however, soon made operating a Reliv business not only a possibility, but a moral responsibility.

“We felt better and had more time and energy to do the things we wanted,” Mary says. “When something like that happens to you, you can’t keep it to yourself. So we started telling people about Reliv. The calls of gratitude we received made us realize this was more than a business. It wasn’t about selling products; it was about sharing hope.”

In their first month of sharing, Paul and Mary made $1,500, and the adventure took off from there. Less than two years later, they had attained a six-figure income.

They credit their attendance at an April 2004 conference in Kansas City with helping them realize the potential of their Reliv business. “Our upline told us, ‘Leaders go to conferences,’” Paul says. “It was great advice. We met Reliv’s leadership, saw the caliber of people this company attracts, and came away very impressed. It allowed us to see the big picture and what this business could mean for us.”

They point to the Reliv Success System as the key to success. “If your Reliv business isn’t going well, you must be missing a step in the System,” Mary says. “It is important to follow the entire System and not just pick and choose. Thanks to those who perfected the business before us, the road has been paved. We just have to stay between the lines.”

A Business Like No Other
Both Paul and Mary say their lives have been transformed. They see a lot more of each other and enjoy working side-by-side. They are also more confident about their future. “We know that what we are building today will pay dividends for the rest of our lives,” Paul says. “And since the business is willable to our kids, we know they’ll be taken care of, too.”

Reliv has also introduced them to many new friends and helped solidify longtime relationships. Key employees at their cabinet company, for example, covered for them a great deal to give them the time to get their Reliv business off the ground. “We didn’t get here alone,” Mary says. “We owe a debt of gratitude to those who have touched our lives these past two years.”

In considering their Inner Circle achievement, Paul and Mary say they get more satisfaction out of watching people they sponsored reach milestones. “It’s like parents who get more pleasure out of their children’s accomplishments than their own,” Paul says. “Reliv makes you want to see others succeed. The joy that comes from that is like no other business I know.”

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