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Meet Our Ambassadors: Roger Naguit

Naguit2_1196242185Taking Reliv around the world.

Bronze Ambassador Roger Naguit, of Kettering, Ohio, spent many years living in what he called “comfortable bondage in corporate America.”   As an engineer and vice president of technology for a large firm, Roger earned $200,000 a year, but that came with a hefty price in time and lack of freedom.

Roger learned about Reliv while attending his late wife’s nursing school class reunion.  “An old friend told her about something that would change our lives forever,” Roger recalls.  “Linda ordered some products to satisfy her friend.  When she and I arrived home, the products were already waiting on the doorstep. I volunteered to be the pioneer – guinea pig – and gave them a try, with great results.

“Linda was determined to bring me home,” Roger notes. “She was the one who started us out on all this.”

“All this” currently involves downlines in the United States, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand and Germany — with plans now well underway to expand this thriving business into the Netherlands and Indonesia.

“With a large, international Reliv business, I have the opportunity to make contacts and friends all over the world,” Roger says. “Nothing happens by chance.  You have to plan for it.  You have to have a genuine interest in other people.  The potential is there for all of us.”

In January of 2006, Roger left his job to continue Linda’s legacy.  “Like her, I take pleasure in helping people realize their dreams,” he says. “In the process, I have an incredible lifestyle  traveling the world, and freedom to do what I want to do, when I want to do it.”

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